hello. recently, when I use any command that includes an event, or any string that has to work with regions, the latter either doesn't work, or gives me this error:
"An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command."
could someone please help me? thanks. in this skript for example, i want the player can execute the command "/podio" only if is inside the region named spawn, or spawnender. How can I do this?
"An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command."
could someone please help me? thanks. in this skript for example, i want the player can execute the command "/podio" only if is inside the region named spawn, or spawnender. How can I do this?
command /podio:
if "%region at player%" contains "spawn" or "enderspawn":
if player has permission "re.use":
send "&aStai per essere teletrasportato al podio... attendi" to player
wait 5 seconds
teleport player to location at -1381, 179, -321 in world "world"
send "&aSei stato teletrasportato al podio con successo." to player
if player has permission "guardiare.use":
send "&aStai per essere teletrasportato al podio... attendi" to player
wait 5 seconds
teleport player to location at -1347, 164, -266 in world "world"
send "&aSei stato teletrasportato al podio con successo." to player
if player doesn't have permission "re.use":
if player doesn't have permission "guardiare.use":
send "&cNon hai il permesso di usare questo comando." to player
send "&cPuoi usare questo comando solo allo spawn. Di conseguenza, utilizza &b/spawn&c!"