Solved Regen From Experience Levels

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Jul 21, 2017
Category: UHC

Suggested name: Level Health

Spigot/Skript Version: PaperSpigot 1.8.8, Skript 2.2 (yes just 2.2)

What I want:
There is 4 different stages of health you can use experience for which are:

Low - 5xp - 3s Regen

Medium - 10xp - 5s Regen

High - 15xp - 8s Regen

Overpowered - 25xp - 12s Regen

Infinite amount of uses as long as they have enough experience for it.

Ideas for commands:
/lvh on, /lvh off, /lvh toggle

/lvh low

/lvh medium

/lvh high

/lvh op

Ideas for permissions: idk, lvh.uhc

When I'd like it by: Possibly by next week
So if I'm currect you basically want a xp shop, and if you have a certain amout of xp you can type a command, it'll take the xp then give you regeneration? what would the /lvh on, /lvh off, and /lvh toggle do? also do you mean xp levels or points?
Well as it will be used for a UHC, I would need a way of enabling this so it allows all this and a way to disable it so no one can use this at all unless it is enabled. But yeah your description is correct, even if it was a GUI of some sort it could work.
    #Prefix to this skript.
    prefix: &8[&c&lZABRID&8]
on load:
    if {lvh.toggle} is not set:
        set {lvh.toggle} to true
command /levelhealth [<text>]:
    aliases: /lvh, /lvlhealth, /levelh
        if arg 1 is "toggle":
            if sender has permission "lvh.admin":
                if {lvh.toggle} is true:
                    set {lvh.toggle} to false
                    message "{@prefix} &7Level-Health has been disabled."
                if {lvh.toggle} is false:
                    set {lvh.toggle} to true
                    message "{@prefix} &7Level-Health has been enabled."
                message "{@prefix} &cNo Permission."
        if arg 1 is "on":
            if sender has permission "lvh.admin":
                set {lvh.toggle} to true
                message "{@prefix} &7Level-Health has been enabled."
                message "{@prefix} &cNo Permission."
        if arg 1 is "off":
            if sender has permission "lvh.admin":
                set {lvh.toggle} to false
                message "{@prefix} &7Level-Health has been disabled."
                message "{@prefix} &cNo Permission."
        if arg 1 is "low":
            if {lvh.toggle} is true:
                if player's level < 5:
                    send "{@prefix} &cInsufficient xp level."
                    send "{@prefix} &4(Required Level: 5)"
                    remove 5 from player's level
                    apply regeneration 1 to player for 3 seconds
                    send "{@prefix} &7You have been given &cRegeneration 1 &7for &c3 &7seconds."
                message "{@prefix} &cThis feature has been disabled."
        if arg 1 is "medium":
            if {lvh.toggle} is true:
                if player's level < 10:
                    send "{@prefix} &cInsufficient xp level."
                    send "{@prefix} &4(Required Level: 10)"
                    remove 10 from player's level
                    apply regeneration 1 to player for 5 seconds
                    send "{@prefix} &7You have been given &cRegeneration 1 &7for &c5 &7seconds."
                message "{@prefix} &cThis feature has been disabled."
        if arg 1 is "high":
            if {lvh.toggle} is true:
                if player's level < 15:
                    send "{@prefix} &cInsufficient xp level."
                    send "{@prefix} &4(Required Level: 15)"
                    remove 15 from player's level
                    apply regeneration 1 to player for 8 seconds
                    send "{@prefix} &7You have been given &cRegeneration 1 &7for &c8 &7seconds."
                message "{@prefix} &cThis feature has been disabled."
        if arg 1 is "op":
            if {lvh.toggle} is true:
                if player's level < 25:
                    send "{@prefix} &cInsufficient xp level."
                    send "{@prefix} &4(Required Level: 25)"
                    remove 25 from player's level
                    apply regeneration 1 to player for 12 seconds
                    send "{@prefix} &7You have been given &cRegeneration 1 &7for &c12 &7seconds."
                message "{@prefix} &cThis feature has been disabled."
I made this for 1.8 tho it should work in other versions (you may need skquery but not 100% sure

also didn't test so lmk of any errors
Also the Admin permission is lvh.admin (this perm allows you to turn on and off lvh)
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