recipe does not work skbee

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Aug 2, 2024
Hello everyone this is my first time using this forum Idk why my skript doesn't work. my skript this is my skript:

# Rage Gem
set {customItems::rage_gem} to blaze powder named "&4Rage Gem"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:rage_gem"
result: {customItems::rage_gem}
group: "custom tools"
category: "redstone"
add diamond to ingredients

# Charged Dynamite
set {customItems::charged_dynamite} to tnt named "&6Charged Dynamite"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:charged_dynamite"
result: {customItems::charged_dynamite}
group: "custom items"
category: "explosives"
add head to ingredients
add tnt to ingredients
add bamboo to ingredients
add tnt to ingredients
add tnt to ingredients
add tnt to ingredients
add bamboo to ingredients
add tnt to ingredients
add bamboo to ingredients

# Enchanted Emeralds
set {customItems::e_emerald} to emerald named "&2Enchanted Emeralds"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:e_emerald"
result: {customItems::e_emerald}
group: "custom items"
category: "currency"
add player head to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients

# Axe of 3
set {customItems::axe_of_3} to iron axe named "&bAxe of 3"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:axe_of_3"
result: {customItems::axe_of_3}
group: "custom tools"
category: "tools"
add iron_axe to ingredients
add life to ingredients
add gold to ingredients
add gold to ingredients
add gold to ingredients
add gold to ingredients
add iron_axe to ingredients
add iron_axe to ingredients
add iron_axe to ingredients

# Powder of Fire
set {customItems::powder_of_fire} to diamond named "&cPowder of Fire"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:powder_of_fire"
result: {customItems::powder_of_fire}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add head to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add blaze_powder to ingredients
add blaze_powder to ingredients
add blaze_powder to ingredients
add blaze_powder to ingredients

# Blade
set {customItems::blade} to netherite sword named "&7Blade"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:blade"
result: {customItems::blade}
group: "custom weapons"
category: "weapons"
add netherite_sword to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients

# Dust of Earth
set {customItems::dust_of_earth} to gunpowder named "&8Dust of Earth"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:dust_of_earth"
result: {customItems::dust_of_earth}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients
add emerald_block to ingredients

# Enchanted Stone
set {customItems::e_stone} to stone named "&eEnchanted Stone"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:e_stone"
result: {customItems::e_stone}
group: "custom items"
category: "building_blocks"
add life_fragment to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients
add stone to ingredients

# Enchanted Heart of the Sea
set {customItems::e_heart_of_sea} to heart of the sea named "&bEnchanted Heart of the Sea"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:e_heart_of_sea"
result: {customItems::e_heart_of_sea}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add life_fragment to ingredients
add heart_of_the_sea to ingredients
add heart_of_the_sea to ingredients
add heart_of_the_sea to ingredients
add heart_of_the_sea to ingredients

# Air Crystal
set {customItems::air_crystal} to iron named "&fAir Crystal"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:air_crystal"
result: {customItems::air_crystal}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add life to ingredients
add end_crystal to ingredients
add end_crystal to ingredients
add end_crystal to ingredients
add end_crystal to ingredients
add iron to ingredients
add iron to ingredients
add iron to ingredients
add iron to ingredients

# Steal Gems
set {customItems::steal_gems} to diamond named "&8Steal Gems"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:steal_gems"
result: {customItems::steal_gems}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add rage_gems to ingredients
add rage_gems to ingredients
add rage_gems to ingredients
add rage_gems to ingredients
add life_fragment to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients

# Life Fragment
set {customItems::life_fragment} to totem named "&aLife Fragment"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:life_fragment"
result: {customItems::life_fragment}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add totem to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add diamond to ingredients
add netherite_scrap to ingredients
add netherite_scrap to ingredients
add netherite_scrap to ingredients
add netherite_scrap to ingredients

# Super Egg
set {customItems::super_egg} to dragon_egg named "&dSuper Egg"
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:super_egg"
result: {customItems::super_egg}
group: "custom items"
category: "misc"
add ender_egg to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients
add head to ingredients

all of this doesn't work but for some weird reason this does:
register shapeless recipe:
id: "custom:totem_of_undying"
result: totem of undying
group: "custom tools"
category: "redstone"
add diamond block to ingredients
add material choice of every plank to ingredients
add emerald block to ingredients
add end rod to ingredients
add wither skeleton skull to ingredients

could somoene pls help I use skbee. and the issue is not in tabs nor in wrong ingredient names.
(oh I like everything spoone fed:emoji_wink: thx)
This is completely wrong to heres is an example of how to add recipes with skbee:
on load:
register new shaped recipe for iron ingot named "&cHell Ingot" using iron ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot, netherite ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot and iron ingot with id "hell_ingo