Category: Ready Check System
Suggested name: readycheck
Spigot/Skript Version: 2.6.4 - Skript
What I want:
I'm working on a minecraft event, and I've been trying to code this for a while now. Basically, I want an permission which I will give to the admins "rc.admin" which allows them to run /readycheck start - To start, or /readycheck status - To check the status. When /readycheck start is ran, I want it to look for the players LuckPerm group. I have these groups as people that should be able to participate: red,blue,green,yellow,lime,orange,cyan,aqua,purple,pink . If there is any other group, the user can press a button and it will reply with "&cYou can't participate in this check, as you were not found on a valid team!" and I want the gui to have 2 items: "&a&lYes" and "&c&lNope"
The gui is titled "Ready Check; Are you ready?" and 2 people from each luckperms group need to reply. Say if Red replies, I want the message to be like "&cRed &ais ready!" if yes, and "&cRed &4isnt ready!" if not ready. When all teams have said yes, it should then broadcast "&a&lAll teams are ready for chaos!" to let the admin know.
Ideas for commands:
/readycheck start - Start this check, giving GUI to all.
/readycheck status - Status of the check happening, print "&cNo readycheck ongoing!" if there is none.
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: ASAP, whenever it's possible.
Suggested name: readycheck
Spigot/Skript Version: 2.6.4 - Skript
What I want:
I'm working on a minecraft event, and I've been trying to code this for a while now. Basically, I want an permission which I will give to the admins "rc.admin" which allows them to run /readycheck start - To start, or /readycheck status - To check the status. When /readycheck start is ran, I want it to look for the players LuckPerm group. I have these groups as people that should be able to participate: red,blue,green,yellow,lime,orange,cyan,aqua,purple,pink . If there is any other group, the user can press a button and it will reply with "&cYou can't participate in this check, as you were not found on a valid team!" and I want the gui to have 2 items: "&a&lYes" and "&c&lNope"
The gui is titled "Ready Check; Are you ready?" and 2 people from each luckperms group need to reply. Say if Red replies, I want the message to be like "&cRed &ais ready!" if yes, and "&cRed &4isnt ready!" if not ready. When all teams have said yes, it should then broadcast "&a&lAll teams are ready for chaos!" to let the admin know.
Ideas for commands:
/readycheck start - Start this check, giving GUI to all.
/readycheck status - Status of the check happening, print "&cNo readycheck ongoing!" if there is none.
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: ASAP, whenever it's possible.