I have a skript made for reaction events:
No errors.
The problem is:
I only get 2 broadcast from the first 2 broadcasts ({@axo} and {@creeper}).
And I don't get any rewards or a message for the winner.
I also want that if there was no answer it continious with the rest but that doesn't happens.
Thank you for help!
I have a skript made for reaction events:
winner: &e&l%player% &r&aanswered first with &e&l
end: &r&a!
noans: &cNo one knows the answer: &6&l
keytype: tripwire hook
keyname: "&a&lCommon &r&7Key"
keylore: "<##ff0000>Use &l/warp crates &r<##ff0000>to open!"
axo: "<##00ff00>How much diferent types of axolotls are there?"
keyextra: tripwire hook named "&a&lCommon &r&7Key" with lore "<##ff0000>Use &l/warp crates &r<##ff0000>to open!"
creeper: "<##0000ff>By which entity did the creeper come into being?"
top: "<##ff0000>How much blocks are there between build limit and the lowest place?"
ame: "<##00ff00>Under which layer you can find amethyst?"
every 8 seconds:
broadcast {@axo}
set {_broadcastaxo} to 5
wait 30 seconds
if {_broadcastaxo} is true:
broadcast "{@noans}5{@end}"
set {_broadcastaxo} to false
wait 90 seconds
wait 90 seconds
broadcast {@creeper}
set {_broadcastcreeper} to true
wait 30 seconds
if {_broadcastcreeper} is true:
broadcast "{@noans}pig{@end}"
set {_broadcastcreeper} to false
wait 90 seconds
wait 90 seconds
broadcast {@top}
set {_broadcasttop} to true
wait 30 seconds
if {_broadcasttop} is true:
broadcast "{@noans}385{@end}"
set {_broadcasttop} to false
wait 90 seconds
wait 90 seconds
broadcast {@ame}
set {_broadcastame} to true
wait 30 seconds
if {_broadcastame} is true:
broadcast "{@noans}70{@end}"
set {_broadcastame} to false
wait 90 seconds
wait 90 seconds
on chat:
if {_broadcastaxo} is 5:
if message contains 5:
give player {@keyextra}
set {_broadcastaxo} to false
broadcast "{@winner}5{@end}"
if {_broadcastcreeper} is true:
if message contains pig:
give player {@keyextra}
set {_broadcastcreeper} to false
broadcast "{@winner}pig{@end}"
if {_broadcasttop} is true:
if message contains 385:
give player {@keyextra}
set {_broadcasttop} to false
broadcast "{@winner}385{@end}"
if {_broadcastame} is true:
if message contains 70:
give player {@keyextra}
set {_broadcastame} to false
broadcast "{@winner}70{@end}"
The problem is:
I only get 2 broadcast from the first 2 broadcasts ({@axo} and {@creeper}).
And I don't get any rewards or a message for the winner.
I also want that if there was no answer it continious with the rest but that doesn't happens.
Thank you for help!