Random Effect each time a golden apple is eaten

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Jul 21, 2017
Category: UHC

Suggested name: Gapple Roulette

Spigot/Skript Version: Spigot 1.8.8, Skript 2.2

What I want:
A skript that makes it so each time you eat a golden apple, it gives you a random effect with the regeneration still coming though. It could be for example the wither effect + the 4 seconds of regen 2 and 2min absorption.
It can give you ANY effect in the game, no exceptions.

Ideas for commands:
/gappleroulette on/off
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: A week.
not possible with skript yet as bensku is very slow
Why should this not be possible? Maybe 1 or 2 effects might not work didnt check but why should it not work.
Category: UHC

Suggested name: Gapple Roulette

Spigot/Skript Version: Spigot 1.8.8, Skript 2.2

What I want:
A skript that makes it so each time you eat a golden apple, it gives you a random effect with the regeneration still coming though. It could be for example the wither effect + the 4 seconds of regen 2 and 2min absorption.
It can give you ANY effect in the game, no exceptions.

Ideas for commands:
/gappleroulette on/off
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: A week.

on consume of notch apple:
    set {_effects::*} to all potions
    set {_amount} to 1 #set {_amount} to random integer between 1 and 3
    loop {_amount} times:
        set {_tier} to a random integer from 1 to 5
        set {_time} to random integer from 1 to 120 #seconds
        set {_time} to "%{_time}% seconds" parsed as a time span
        set {_potion} to a random element out of {_effects::*}
        apply potion of {_potion} potion of tier {_tier} to player for {_time}