Want an all-skript approach to economics?
Then this plugin is for you!
With it, you can:
1. Create multiple shop GUIs
2. Manage shops
3. Build ATMs
4. Build shop blocks
WARNING: This skript requires essentials.
To build a shop, highlight the block you would like to turn into a shop, and use /cshop (shop id).
To remove it, use /rshop on the same block.
For atms, you can use /atm and /delatm.
As for shops themselves, you can use /cadd to add the item you are holding to a shop (SYNTAX: /cadd (price) (shop id)), /cremove to remove an item from a shop (SYNTAX: /cremove (item id) (shop id)), and /creset to delete a shop's contents (SYNTAX: /creset (shop id)).
You can also use /nameshop to name shops for when you open them with a block (SYNTAX: /nameshop (shop id) (name)).
It also comes with a crude Backpacks plugin, which is more of a novelty.
To manage shops on the consumer side, you can use /buy (SYNTAX: /buy (item id) (shop id) (amount)) or /sell (SYNTAX: /sell (shop id) [(item amount)]).
Using /buy and /cremove are not recommended, due to the shop GUIs automating this. /sell is also deprecated due to shop blocks being able to sell items.
You can also do /csearch and /browse to browse/search for an item in a shop.
For /csearch, the syntax is /csearch (query) (shop id) and for /browse the syntax is /browse (page) (shop id).
These two commands are also automated via the shop blocks.
Then this plugin is for you!
With it, you can:
1. Create multiple shop GUIs
2. Manage shops
3. Build ATMs
4. Build shop blocks
WARNING: This skript requires essentials.
To build a shop, highlight the block you would like to turn into a shop, and use /cshop (shop id).
To remove it, use /rshop on the same block.
For atms, you can use /atm and /delatm.
As for shops themselves, you can use /cadd to add the item you are holding to a shop (SYNTAX: /cadd (price) (shop id)), /cremove to remove an item from a shop (SYNTAX: /cremove (item id) (shop id)), and /creset to delete a shop's contents (SYNTAX: /creset (shop id)).
You can also use /nameshop to name shops for when you open them with a block (SYNTAX: /nameshop (shop id) (name)).
It also comes with a crude Backpacks plugin, which is more of a novelty.
To manage shops on the consumer side, you can use /buy (SYNTAX: /buy (item id) (shop id) (amount)) or /sell (SYNTAX: /sell (shop id) [(item amount)]).
Using /buy and /cremove are not recommended, due to the shop GUIs automating this. /sell is also deprecated due to shop blocks being able to sell items.
You can also do /csearch and /browse to browse/search for an item in a shop.
For /csearch, the syntax is /csearch (query) (shop id) and for /browse the syntax is /browse (page) (shop id).
These two commands are also automated via the shop blocks.