I am trying to create a shopgui or command to buy crate keys specifically using money from peoples balance however, every time I get the same error no matter what I do, I think it's because nbt data changed in the newer versions of minecraft as I am doing this on 1.21. the nbt data I am trying to use is
and the item is a tripwire hook
{"minecraft:custom_data":{PublicBukkitValues:{"excellentcrates:crate_key.id":"amethyst_key"}},"minecraft:custom_name":'{"extra":[{"bold":true,"color":"dark_purple","italic":false,"text":"Amethyst Key"}],"text":""}',"minecraft:lore":['{"extra":[{"color":"dark_red","italic":false,"text":"Right click a Crate to use"}],"text":""}']}