Protocol FTP support (upload and download)

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Feb 21, 2017
A suggestion that should be added in SkUtilities (but also other addons)

Add a FTP support , Upload, Downoad, Read without Download, All files in folder, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256

like this url : ftp://{@User}:{@Password}@{@Host_IP}:{@Port_21}/minecraft/plugins/PlayerStats/Anarchick.yml
This will show the content of my file Anarchick.yml.

Syntax suggestion :
[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] link %variable% with [user] %string% , [password] %string% , [host] %ip% [, [port] %integer%] [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: SkUtilities FTP link {FTP_server12} with user "server12" , password "123456" , host "" , port 21 and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] download %string% to %string% [renamed %string%] from %FTP% [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: SkUtilities FTP protocol download "minecraft/plugins/PlayerStats/Anarchick.yml" to "minecraft/download/" renamed "aeim" from {FTP_server12} and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] upload %string% to %string% [renamed %string%] from %FTP% [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: SkUtilities FTP protocol upload "minecraft/download/aeim.yml" to "minecraft/plugins/PlayerStats/" renamed "Anarchick" from {FTP_server12} and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] read %string% from %FTP% [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: set {_file} to SkUtilities FTP protocol read "minecraft/download/aeim.yml" from {FTP_server12} and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] (MD5|SHA-1|SHA-256) of [file] %string% from %FTP% [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: set {_hash} to SkUtilities FTP protocol MD5 of file "minecraft/download/aeim.yml" from {FTP_server12} and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] all files's name into [folder] %string% from %FTP% [and set query in %variable%]
exemple: set {_list::*} to SkUtilities FTP protocol all files's name into folder "minecraft/download/" from {FTP_server12} and set query in {_result}

[Addon's Name] FTP [protocol] last query [from %FTP%]
exemple: set {_result} to SkUtilities FTP protocol last query from {FTP_server12}

Query result could be:
- Connexion failed
- Path does not exist
- File not found
- File can't be read cause it's not a text file
- Bad hash comparaison (upload and download verification)
- Upload / Download failed
- Success
- ...