This is a working time formatting function that allows users to put in any given amount of seconds and it'll translate to what most people seek for when searching for a TimeFormatting function.
The reason why I created this API is because many versions of time formatting out there, either give out something like this
"21h 51.1766666666666666m" or
"25h 66m 1s"
and other weird displays.
When creating a private skript I decided to work on my own version of the time formatter to allow for the input time to be able to display up to days so like: 1d 22h 10m 57s
Hope this resource helps!
The reason why I created this API is because many versions of time formatting out there, either give out something like this
"21h 51.1766666666666666m" or
"25h 66m 1s"
and other weird displays.
When creating a private skript I decided to work on my own version of the time formatter to allow for the input time to be able to display up to days so like: 1d 22h 10m 57s
Hope this resource helps!