command /promote [<player>] [<arg 2>]:
permission: op
player is set:
arg 1 is set:
arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "default":
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {default::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {default::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "builder":
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {builder::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {builder::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "developer":
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {developer::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {developer::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "admin":
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {admin::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {admin::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "coowner":
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {coowner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {coowner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "owner":
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {owner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {owner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!" player
command /resetchatformatting [<player>]:
permission: op
arg 1 is set:
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&4Co-Owner&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
permission: op
player is set:
arg 1 is set:
arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "default":
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {default::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {default::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "builder":
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {builder::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {builder::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "developer":
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {developer::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {developer::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "admin":
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {admin::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {admin::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "coowner":
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {coowner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {coowner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "owner":
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {owner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {owner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!" player
command /resetchatformatting [<player>]:
permission: op
arg 1 is set:
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&4Co-Owner&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
Do you know what I'm doing wrong?