/promote <player> [<arg 2>]

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Apr 19, 2020
command /promote [<player>] [<arg 2>]:
permission: op
player is set:
arg 1 is set:
arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "default":
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {default::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {default::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "builder":
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {builder::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {builder::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "developer":
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {developer::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {developer::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "admin":
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {admin::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {admin::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "coowner":
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {coowner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {coowner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "owner":
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {owner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {owner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!" player
command /resetchatformatting [<player>]:
permission: op
arg 1 is set:
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&4Co-Owner&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
command /promote [<player>] [<arg 2>]:
permission: op
player is set:
arg 1 is set:
arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "default":
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {default::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {default::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "builder":
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {builder::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {builder::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "developer":
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {developer::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {developer::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "admin":
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {admin::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {admin::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "coowner":
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {coowner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {coowner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "owner":
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {owner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {owner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!" player
command /resetchatformatting [<player>]:
permission: op
arg 1 is set:
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&4Co-Owner&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
basically, everything
command /promote [<player>] [<arg 2>]:
permission: op
player is set:
arg 1 is set:
arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "default":
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {default::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {default::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "builder":
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {builder::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {builder::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "developer":
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {developer::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {developer::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "admin":
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {admin::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {admin::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "coowner":
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {coowner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {coowner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
if arg 2 is "owner":
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
if {owner::*} does not contain %arg 1%'s uuid:
add %arg 1%'s uuid to {owner::*}
execute player command "resetchatformatting %arg 1%"
send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!" player
command /resetchatformatting [<player>]:
permission: op
arg 1 is set:
if {default::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {builder::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {developer::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {admin::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {coowner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&7[&4Co-Owner&7] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player
if {owner::*} contains %arg 1%'s uuid:
set %arg 1%'s chat format to "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%player%&7: &f%message%"
send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%arg 1%&7: &fHello World" to player

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
I've fixed it.
Here's the code. I've removed the ''/resetchatformatting'' from ''your code'' because there's no way to set a chat format per player.
Also, read the doc's, please.
command /promote [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission message: &cNo permissions.
    permission: op
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {uuid.%arg 1%} is set:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 2 is "default":
                        if {default::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {builder::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {developer::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {admin::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {coowner::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {owner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {default::*}

                    else if arg 2 is "builder":
                        if {builder::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {default::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {developer::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {admin::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {coowner::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {owner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {builder::*}

                    else if arg 2 is "developer":
                        if {developer::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {default::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {builder::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {admin::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {coowner::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {owner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {developer::*}

                    else if arg 2 is "admin":
                        if {admin::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {default::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {builder::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {developer::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {coowner::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {owner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {admin::*}

                    else if arg 2 is "coowner":
                        if {coowner::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {default::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {builder::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {developer::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {admin::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {owner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {coowner::*}

                    else if arg 2 is "owner":
                        if {owner::*} contains {uuid.%arg-1%}:
                            send "&b%arg 1% already has this rank!" to player
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {default::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {builder::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {developer::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {admin::*}
                            remove {uuid.%arg-1%} from {coowner::*}

                            add {uuid.%arg-1%} to {owner::*}
                        send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!"
                        send "&7Usage: &c/promote <player> <rank>"
                    send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!"
                    send "&7Usage: &c/promote <player> <rank>"
                send "&cThis player hasn't played on the server."
            send "&7Sorry, you wrote this command wrong. Try again!"
            send "&7Usage: &c/promote <player> <rank>"

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
        if {default::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&8[&7Default&8] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

        else if {builder::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&7[&aBuilder&7] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

        else if {developer::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&7[&bDeveloper&7] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

        else if {admin::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&7[&cAdmin&7] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

        else if {coowner::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&8[&4Co-Owner&8] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

        else if {owner::*} contains {uuid.%sender%}:
            send "&8[&4Owner&8] &f%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player

on join:
    if {uuid.%player%} is not set:
        set {uuid.%player%} to player's uuid
        add {uuid.%player%} to {default::*}

Proof it works: https://gyazo.com/1712d3b404c4bde0a90908c75fcace9d
Best to make a function for this so the code wont look so long or messy..
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