New to Skript but learning fast. Running Spigot 1.21.1
I've created a relatively simple skript from tutorials, examples and helpful replies but I'm coming up short on 2 areas:
1. When I place a Cauldron, it generates particles until the Cauldron is broken. This will be greatly expanded on later but for now it has a major flaw - when I place 3 Cauldrons, the number of particles being generated at each location triples, and more particles generate each iteration with every additional Cauldron placed. How can I prevent this? I want a set number of particles at each location. I assume it has to do with {cauldron::%event-player%::*} which I'm not very familiar with, but I'm trying to be forward thinking in how the Cauldron is being used.
2. How do I create coloured potion swirl particles of a specific colour, direction, size, spread and offset? I've seen a few examples but they either don't work for me or require a specific addon. Is there no way to do this with Skript and SkBee. I see this problem plaguing many people, but can't find a solution without massively over-complicating things.
3. Also, does anyone have a list of particle_names that Skript understands? I've had trouble getting the particles to work because Skript doesn't understand the name or syntax (because of the name).
Thanks for your help and guidance!
New to Skript but learning fast. Running Spigot 1.21.1
I've created a relatively simple skript from tutorials, examples and helpful replies but I'm coming up short on 2 areas:
1. When I place a Cauldron, it generates particles until the Cauldron is broken. This will be greatly expanded on later but for now it has a major flaw - when I place 3 Cauldrons, the number of particles being generated at each location triples, and more particles generate each iteration with every additional Cauldron placed. How can I prevent this? I want a set number of particles at each location. I assume it has to do with {cauldron::%event-player%::*} which I'm not very familiar with, but I'm trying to be forward thinking in how the Cauldron is being used.
2. How do I create coloured potion swirl particles of a specific colour, direction, size, spread and offset? I've seen a few examples but they either don't work for me or require a specific addon. Is there no way to do this with Skript and SkBee. I see this problem plaguing many people, but can't find a solution without massively over-complicating things.
# Check if a Cauldron is placed and add it to the list registered to that player. Start ticker (failsafe).
# Assign variables for Cauldron's location (for particles and other uses). Then, generate some particles, etc...
on place:
if event-block is cauldron:
add location of event-block to {cauldron::%event-player%::*}
set {cauldron.ticker} to true
set {Caul_location} to location of targeted block
set {Caul_x} to {Caul_location}'s x-coord
set {Caul_y} to {Caul_location}'s y-coord
set {Caul_z} to {Caul_location}'s z-coord
while event-block is cauldron:
draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(light blue, blue, 3) at {cauldron::%event-player%::*}
draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(light blue, blue, 2) 0.4 block above {cauldron::%event-player%::*}
wait 1 second
# Check for Cauldron at location, check if a player placed that Cauldron (and broadcast it was broken); set ticker to false (failsafe);
# Then remove location from list.
on break:
if event-block is cauldron:
loop all players:
if {cauldron::%loop-player%::*} contains location of event-block:
broadcast "%loop-player%`s Cauldron was broken by %event-player%"
set {cauldron.ticker} to false
remove location of event-block from {cauldron::%loop-player%::*}
3. Also, does anyone have a list of particle_names that Skript understands? I've had trouble getting the particles to work because Skript doesn't understand the name or syntax (because of the name).
Thanks for your help and guidance!