problems with gui and variable

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Feb 24, 2024
So, I was making a skript and my goal was when a player right clicks on a gold block, an (existing) gui would open, in this case,

on right click on gold block:
if block below event-block is red wool:
open {_gui} to player

but then I looked for help and a friend told me, "if the premade gui is already stored in a variable, then you do"
So, how can I store my gui in variable to open existing gui when right clicked on gold block?
{_gui} will never be set to anything if you don't set it within the right click event, but I don't recommend saving the GUI to a global variable because it will never be deleted. Will you need to re-use this GUI in more than one place or just this one?
{_gui} will never be set to anything if you don't set it within the right click event, but I don't recommend saving the GUI to a global variable because it will never be deleted. Will you need to re-use this GUI in more than one place or just this one?
in more than one place, i guess.
In that case, I recommend you make the GUI in a function.
local function gui(p: player): #remove the "local" if you want to use this faction in other files
    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows #set the variable to a chest with the amount of rows
    #do set slots here
    open {_gui} to {_p} #{_p} refers to the player argument you plug in, as defined when we declared the function

on right click on gold block:
    if block below event-block is red wool:
        gui(player) #call the function and plug in the player as the {_p} argument
In that case, I recommend you make the GUI in a function.
local function gui(p: player): #remove the "local" if you want to use this faction in other files
    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows #set the variable to a chest with the amount of rows
    #do set slots here
    open {_gui} to {_p} #{_p} refers to the player argument you plug in, as defined when we declared the function

on right click on gold block:
    if block below event-block is red wool:
        gui(player) #call the function and plug in the player as the {_p} argument
I removed the "local" and it worked, Thanks bro!