Problem with skull's skin

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May 1, 2020
I'm creating my first server, so I don't have any experience with skripts, I'd like a little of help here:

It's a script for placing skull+fence when a player dies, just like in uhc games.
The script:
on death of player:
    set block at location of victim to nether brick fence
    set block at location 1 meter above location of victim to victim's skull

The skript works well, it generates a head on a fence, but with Steve's skin. see here

I would like to see the skin, any ideas?


[doublepost=1588422089,1588334997][/doublepost]Okay so I got this, it works, but head generates only in overworld. Is there a way to put an argument of victim's world in /fill?

on death of player:
    set {_location} to victim's location
    set {_x} to round down x coord of {_location}
    set {_y} to round down y coord of {_location}
    set {_y} to round down {_y} +1
    set {_z} to round down z coord of {_location}
    #set {_location2} to location {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world of victim
    set block at location of victim to nether brick fence
    execute console command "/fill %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:player_head{Owner:{Name:%victim%}}"
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Whats the name of the world you are using? If its an external world then you could try:

set {_location2} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "name of your world"
Whats the name of the world you are using? If its an external world then you could try:

Thanks for replying, but I don't use _location2 (it's commented). The problem is that console doesn't know in which world has to make the /fill, so it always makes it in overworld...

The 1st script works but always appears Steve's head.
The 2nd script works but the head appears only in overworld (because it uses /fill for the head)
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