Problem with GUI (without Addon)

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May 25, 2017

i have made a GUI for my Lobby & it works fine! But now i downgraded the Server
to 1.8.8 (befor = 1.11) & now the GUI is empty :emoji_frowning: No Errors on Console and it still
work (Teleport to Location) but the Items are invisible... here my code:
on rightclick holding compass:
    open chest with 5 rows named "{@teleportname}" to player       
    format slot 4 of player with {@game1item} named "{@game1name}" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.game1.location}]
    format slot 11 of player with {@game2item} named "{@game2name}" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.game2.location}]
    format slot 15 of player with {@game3item} named "{@game3name}" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.game3.location}]
    format slot 22 of player with {@spawnitem} named "&b&lSpawn" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.spawn.location}]
    format slot 29 of player with {@game4item} named "{@game4name}" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.game4.location}]
    format slot 33 of player with {@game5item} named "{@game5name}" to close then run [teleport player to {warp.game5.location}]
    format slot 40 of player with {@storeitem} named "&6&lStore &c(coming soon)" to close then run [teleport player to {}]

i hope u can help me >.<
Have you tried adding 1 tick delay between opening the chest and formatting the slots?
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The wait a tick could be abused by players, if you close the Inventory in that tick, they will have the Items in their Inventory
The wait a tick could be abused by players, if you close the Inventory in that tick, they will have the Items in their Inventory

i have try to abuse this, but it does not work ._. i click on my compass & press "ESC" on my Keyboard bot
i dont have Items in my Inventory
It works if the TPS are low. If you wait a tick, you should check if the player still has the Inventory open.
Or I suggest using set slot as it opens a wide variety of configurable features you can do within the on inventory click event.
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