Problem with enchantments

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Jun 25, 2024
I want additional ores to drop when I don't have silk_touch on my pickaxe.
But the "test" is not sending and additional ores are coming out even I have silk touch.
Can anyone help me?

I am using SKBee, SharpSK, SKellet, SKQuery, skUtilities, skript-reflect, skRayFallv

on mine:  
    loop enchantments of player's tool:
        set {_enchant} to enchantment of loop-value
        if {_enchant} is silk_touch:
            set {_tempenchant} to {_enchant}
    if {_tempenchant} is silk_touch:
        send "test" to player
        if {job::%player%} is "miner":
            set {_minercoin} to paper with custom model data 1 named "&e&lminer coin"
            if event-block is copper ore, iron ore, coal ore, gold ore, redstone ore, lapis ore, emerald ore, diamond ore, nether gold ore, nether quartz ore, deepslate copper ore, deepslate iron ore, deepslate coal ore, deepslate gold ore, deepslate redstone ore, deepslate emerald ore, deepslate lapis ore or deepslate diamond ore:
                send "test" to player
                chance of 4%:
                    drop {_minercoin}      
                chance of 10%:
                    if event-block is copper ore or deepslate copper ore:
                        drop raw copper
                    if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
                        drop raw iron
                    if event-block is coal ore or deepslate coal ore:
                        drop coal
                    if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
                        drop raw gold
                    if event-block is redstone ore or deepslate redstone ore:
                        drop redstone
                    if event-block is lapis ore or deepslate lapis ore:
                        drop lapis lazuli
                    if event-block is emerald ore or deepslate emerald ore:
                        drop emerald
                    if event-block is diamond ore or deepslate diamond ore:
                        drop diamond
                    if event-block is nether gold ore:
                        drop gold nugget
                    if event-block is nether quartz ore:
                        drop quartz