My Server is running on 1.19.1 Paper
i m Using Skript Skrayfall SkQuery Skeleton Skript-Gui SQ-Library Score
So i have Recoded the Code and now is the code Responding now i have the problem to remove the id from list while list is set brot and brot2 in the list can't removed by the delete command and the same problem by the set command....
i m Using Skript Skrayfall SkQuery Skeleton Skript-Gui SQ-Library Score
So i have Recoded the Code and now is the code Responding now i have the problem to remove the id from list while list is set brot and brot2 in the list can't removed by the delete command and the same problem by the set command....
command /sethead2 [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg-1 is "list":
if {nm::*} is not set:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cKeine IDs in Der Liste Vorhanden!"
if {nm::*} is set:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cListe aller IDs: &e%{nm::*}%"
if arg-1 is "delete":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cGebe einen Namen an denn du Löschen willst!"
if {nm::*} is not set:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cKeine IDs in Der Liste Vorhanden!"
if {nm::*} is not arg-2:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cKonnte nicht mit dem namen &e%arg-2% &cFinden! &7(&a%{nm::*}%&7)"
if {nm::*} is arg-2:
loop {nm::*}:
remove arg-2 from {nm::*}
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &aDu hast die ID &c%arg-2% &aEntfernt!"
if arg-1 is "set":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &aDu hast Keinen Namen Angegeben!"
if arg-2 is {nm::*}:
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &cDie ID: &e%{nm::*}% &cist Bereits Gesetzt!"
if arg-2 is set:
loop {nm::*}:
add arg-2 to {nm::*}
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &aDie ID: &e%{nm::*}% &aist jetzt Erstellt!"
if {nm::*} is "Leer":
delete {nm::*}
if {nm::*} is not set:
add arg-2 to {nm::*}
give 1 stick with name "§eKopfmarkieren &8| &e%{nm::*}%" to player
send "&8| &6&lHeadset §8» &aSetze denn Kopf-Event mit Rechtsklick &8| &7%{nm::*}%"
set {toggle.%player%} to true
on rightclick:
name of player's tool is "§eKopfmarkieren &8| &7%{nm}%":
if {toggle.%player%} is false:
if {toggle.%player%} is true:
if player is sneaking:
set {headset} to location of block
send "&8| &6&lBrot §8» &7block gesetzt! LOC = &a%{headset}%"
on rightclick:
if location of block is not {headset}:
if location of block is {headset}:
if {headset} is set:
if {nm} is "brot":
chance of 15%:
send "&8| &6&lBrot §8» &aAua! wiso Haust du mich?"
drop bread with name "&eBrotstücke"
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