Solved Problem with add 1 to {variable}

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Mar 29, 2020
Hello, i have a problem with my Script. I have a german Script because im german and here's a problem. The add 1 to {variable} doesent work. Here's the Skript:


        #Hier kannst du alles ändern
    SPIELMODUSNAME: &e&lAmpelrennen
    KEINERECHTE: &cSorry du hast dafür keine Rechte!
    JOINMESSAGE: &6Du bist dem Spiel beigetreten
    LOBBYSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Lobby Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    ZIELSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Ziel Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    STARTSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Start Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    LEAVESETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Du bist aus dem Spiel gegangen.
    LEAVEMESSAGE: &6Du bist aus dem Spiel gegangen.
    BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE: &6Du bist bereits im Spiel!
    INKEINSPIELERRORMESSAGE: &6Du bist momentan in keinen Spiel!
    #Hier darfst du nichts ändern!
command /ampelrennen [<text>] [<text>] [<string>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "-------------------------" to player
            send "&4&lCommands             " to player
            send "&6&l/ampelrennen <join,leave,admin,setspawn>" to player
            send "-------------------------" to player
        if arg 1 is "admin":
            if player has permission "ampel.admin":
                send "------------------------------------" to player
                send "&4Admin &lCommands " to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen setspawn <start,finish,lobby,leavepunkt>" to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen start" to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen stop" to player
                send "------------------------------------"
                send "{@KEINERECHTE}"
        if arg 1 is "setspawn":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Bitte setze eine Syntax! /ampelrennen setspawn <start,finish,lobby,leavepunkt>" to player
            if player has permission "ampel.admin":
                if arg 2 is "start":
                    set {spawn.start} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@STARTSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                if arg 2 is "finish":
                    set {spawn.finish} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@ZIELSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                if arg 2 is "lobby":
                    set {spawn.lobby} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@LOBBYSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Man wird nach dem Spiel immer wieder zu diesem Spawnpunkt teleportiert." to player
                if arg 2 is "leavepunkt":
                    set {spawn.leave} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@LEAVESETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Man wird, wenn man mit /ampelrennen leave aus dem Spiel geht, zu diesem Spawnpunkt teleportiert." to player
                send "{@KEINERECHTE}" to player
        if arg 1 is "join":
            if {join.%player%} is "0":
                set {join.%player%} to "1"
                teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
                add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}
                send "{@JOINMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "1":
                send "{@BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE}" to player
        if arg 1 is "leave":
            if {join.%player%} is "1":
                remove 1 from {count.player.ampelrennen}
                set {join.%player%} to "0"
                teleport player to {spawn.leave}
                send "{@LEAVEMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "0":
                send "{@INKEINSPIELERRORMESSAGE}"

right click on sign:
    if line 1 is "join":
        if line 2 is "join ampelrennen":
            execute player command "ampelrennen join"

on join:
    if {join.%player%} is not set:
        set {join.%player%} to "0"

on quit:
    if {join.%player%} is "1":
        teleport player to {spawn.leave}
        remove 1 from {count.player.ampelrennen}
        set {join.%player%} to "0"

            #STRINGS TEST
command /spawnstart:
        teleport player to {spawn.start}

command /spawnfinish:
        teleport player to {spawn.finish}

command /spawnlobby:
        teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
command /countplayers:
        send "%{count.player.ampelrennen}%"
command /joinplayer:
        send "%{join.%player%}%" to player
on load:
    send "---------------------------" to console
    send "Dieses Plugin wurde von WorldMoney gecodet!" to console
    send "Dieses Plugin befindet sich in der BETA!" to console
    send "---------------------------" to console

On "add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}" has a problem. If i make the Cmd /ampelrennen join in Minecraft, then all works but if i test with /countplayers how many Players are in the Game, then theres 0 Player. Can any one help ?
Hello, i have a problem with my Script. I have a german Script because im german and here's a problem. The add 1 to {variable} doesent work. Here's the Skript:


        #Hier kannst du alles ändern
    SPIELMODUSNAME: &e&lAmpelrennen
    KEINERECHTE: &cSorry du hast dafür keine Rechte!
    JOINMESSAGE: &6Du bist dem Spiel beigetreten
    LOBBYSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Lobby Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    ZIELSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Ziel Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    STARTSETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Der Start Spawnpunkt wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
    LEAVESETSPAWNMESSAGE: &6Du bist aus dem Spiel gegangen.
    LEAVEMESSAGE: &6Du bist aus dem Spiel gegangen.
    BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE: &6Du bist bereits im Spiel!
    INKEINSPIELERRORMESSAGE: &6Du bist momentan in keinen Spiel!
    #Hier darfst du nichts ändern!
command /ampelrennen [<text>] [<text>] [<string>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "-------------------------" to player
            send "&4&lCommands             " to player
            send "&6&l/ampelrennen <join,leave,admin,setspawn>" to player
            send "-------------------------" to player
        if arg 1 is "admin":
            if player has permission "ampel.admin":
                send "------------------------------------" to player
                send "&4Admin &lCommands " to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen setspawn <start,finish,lobby,leavepunkt>" to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen start" to player
                send "&6&l/ampelrennen stop" to player
                send "------------------------------------"
                send "{@KEINERECHTE}"
        if arg 1 is "setspawn":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Bitte setze eine Syntax! /ampelrennen setspawn <start,finish,lobby,leavepunkt>" to player
            if player has permission "ampel.admin":
                if arg 2 is "start":
                    set {spawn.start} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@STARTSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                if arg 2 is "finish":
                    set {spawn.finish} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@ZIELSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                if arg 2 is "lobby":
                    set {spawn.lobby} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@LOBBYSETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Man wird nach dem Spiel immer wieder zu diesem Spawnpunkt teleportiert." to player
                if arg 2 is "leavepunkt":
                    set {spawn.leave} to location of player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} {@LEAVESETSPAWNMESSAGE}" to player
                    send "{@SPIELMODUSNAME} &6Man wird, wenn man mit /ampelrennen leave aus dem Spiel geht, zu diesem Spawnpunkt teleportiert." to player
                send "{@KEINERECHTE}" to player
        if arg 1 is "join":
            if {join.%player%} is "0":
                set {join.%player%} to "1"
                teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
                add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}
                send "{@JOINMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "1":
                send "{@BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE}" to player
        if arg 1 is "leave":
            if {join.%player%} is "1":
                remove 1 from {count.player.ampelrennen}
                set {join.%player%} to "0"
                teleport player to {spawn.leave}
                send "{@LEAVEMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "0":
                send "{@INKEINSPIELERRORMESSAGE}"

right click on sign:
    if line 1 is "join":
        if line 2 is "join ampelrennen":
            execute player command "ampelrennen join"

on join:
    if {join.%player%} is not set:
        set {join.%player%} to "0"

on quit:
    if {join.%player%} is "1":
        teleport player to {spawn.leave}
        remove 1 from {count.player.ampelrennen}
        set {join.%player%} to "0"

            #STRINGS TEST
command /spawnstart:
        teleport player to {spawn.start}

command /spawnfinish:
        teleport player to {spawn.finish}

command /spawnlobby:
        teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
command /countplayers:
        send "%{count.player.ampelrennen}%"
command /joinplayer:
        send "%{join.%player%}%" to player
on load:
    send "---------------------------" to console
    send "Dieses Plugin wurde von WorldMoney gecodet!" to console
    send "Dieses Plugin befindet sich in der BETA!" to console
    send "---------------------------" to console

On "add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}" has a problem. If i make the Cmd /ampelrennen join in Minecraft, then all works but if i test with /countplayers how many Players are in the Game, then theres 0 Player. Can any one help ?
Show the code where you set the variable.
        if arg 1 is "join":
            if {join.%player%} is "0":
                set {join.%player%} to "1"
                teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
                add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}
                send "{@JOINMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "1":
                send "{@BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE}" to player
[doublepost=1585474072,1585474017][/doublepost]The Variable is {count.player.ampelrennen}
        if arg 1 is "join":
            if {join.%player%} is "0":
                set {join.%player%} to "1"
                teleport player to {spawn.lobby}
                add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}
                send "{@JOINMESSAGE}" to player
            else if {join.%player%} is "1":
                send "{@BEREITSIMSPIELMESSAGE}" to player
[doublepost=1585474072,1585474017][/doublepost]The Variable is {count.player.ampelrennen}
In that code, the variable {count.player.ampelrennen} is not set, only added to. Do you have code where you set the variable (set {count.player.ampelrennen} to ...)
It doesn't have to be set. This is the number of players currently in the game. If i set it, it cannot count the number of players
It doesn't have to be set. This is the number of players currently in the game. If i set it, it cannot count the number of players
Try to delete it once, and see if it works after that.
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