Possible to disguise entity as another entity?

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Jul 28, 2017
Hi there, this is just a quick question, I couldn't find an answer for on the forums nor documentations. I know Skellett allows the player to get disguised, but what about entities?

"disguise the last spawned horse as a creeper" for instance.

Any addon out there that can do this?
Not useless when you want to use the horse riding mechanics on a zombie for instance
So, you want a kind of zombie pet? Then why not just make the horse invisible and make the real entity (the zombie) pathfind to the invisible zombie with a reasonable velocity? Pushing it should do the job. That'd be also what you're looking for, because that's literally how you disguise an entity.
So, you want a kind of zombie pet? Then why not just make the horse invisible and make the real entity (the zombie) pathfind to the invisible zombie with a reasonable velocity? Pushing it should do the job. That'd be also what you're looking for, because that's literally how you disguise an entity.

Rather a mount. Yet the zombie for instance would require that you setup some variables for the player's position while riding the horse.
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