I'm currently working on a script and it's a bit difficult..
/wb create - When the creat mode is turned on and the number of items in hand by the creator right-click on the block, another player walks the block and gets the set item
/jb create - When the creat mode is turned on and the number of items in hand by the creator right-click on the block, another player jump on block and gets the set item
/wb delete - When the delete mode us turned on and the creator right-click on the block, delete block
/wb create - When the creat mode is turned on and the number of items in hand by the creator right-click on the block, another player walks the block and gets the set item
/jb create - When the creat mode is turned on and the number of items in hand by the creator right-click on the block, another player jump on block and gets the set item
/wb delete - When the delete mode us turned on and the creator right-click on the block, delete block