SKRIPT IS ERROR iwant it to execute the commands under. pls help me
command /kitpvpkits [<sender>]:
open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lSelect kit" to player
format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&8Fan &7Kit" to close then run "/fankit"
format slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&eVip &7Kit" to close then run "/vipkit %player%"
format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&eVip+ &7Kit" to close then run "/vip+kit %player%"
format slot 3 of player with iron sword named "&eVip++ &7Kit" to close then run "/vip++kit %player%"
format slot 4 of player with iron sword named "&5Mvp &7Kit" to close then run "/mvpkit %player%"
format slot 5 of player with iron sword named "&5Mvp+ &7Kit" to close then run "/mvp+kit %player%"
format slot 6 of player with iron sword named "&5Mvp++ &7Kit" to close then run "/mvp++kit %player%"
format slot 7 of player with iron sword named "&cYou&fTuber" to close then run "/give %player% stone 1"
format slot 8 of player with iron sword named "&c&lClose" to close
command /fankit
make console execute command "/give %arg-1% stonesword"