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Don't know how to do this but I want it so that if players have a permission it hides everyone but the people with the permission. So I will have a friend command soon and it will give them something like friend.%player% and so the permission that it will not hide players will be that. Also, can you update a chest gui without having to close it?
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Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin)
Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set
function settingsSystem(p: player , t: number) :: number:
if {_t} is 1:
if {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} is 2:
set {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} to 1
hide all players from {_p}
else if {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} is 1:
set {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} to 3
hide all players from {_p}
if {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} is 3:
set {cubecraft.settings.pv.%{_p}%} to 2
reveal all players from {_p}
Errors on Reload:
Console Errors: (if applicable)
Other Useful Info:
Don't know how to do this but I want it so that if players have a permission it hides everyone but the people with the permission. So I will have a friend command soon and it will give them something like friend.%player% and so the permission that it will not hide players will be that. Also, can you update a chest gui without having to close it?
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