player standing on block

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2023
I need help i am trying to make a skript for setting your respawn point on glowstone when you crouch
and i did:
on sneak toggle:
if player is standing on glowstone:
broadcast "Hi" (for test)
ik how to do all the setspawn and stuff i just need help with if block below player is Calcite:
can i have some help
I need help i am trying to make a skript for setting your respawn point on glowstone when you crouch
and i did:
on sneak toggle:
if player is standing on glowstone:
broadcast "Hi" (for test)
ik how to do all the setspawn and stuff i just need help with if block below player is Calcite:
can i have some help
on sneak toggle:
   if block below player is glowstone:
      set {_s} to player's location
      send "&c[Placeholder] &aYour spawn was set to &2%{_s}%&a!" to player
      # Rest of code for setting Spawn here
An example code I wrote pretty quickly is above. The variable "s" is the player's location upon sneaking. It's up to you to set the player's spawn beyond what I wrote.
yes it works great but can you make it so when you do it once in the same location it sends and error msg and cancels event