Player-controlled nametag coloring

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May 11, 2017
I am not sure if this is possible with Skript, but I figure this is the best place to post if it is possible :emoji_slight_smile:


Suggested name: Nametag Colors

What I want:
I am trying to get a plugin/skript that allows me to give a player a permission/command that allows them to change the color of the nametag above their head, and maybe even the color of their name in chat/tablist as well (mostly focused on the nametag overhead).

Ideas for commands:
/ntc <color>
/ntc list

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by:
As soon as possible, but no exact date needed.

That's about it! I already have colors set to specific ranks, but I would like to give certain players the ability to change their color as well as the color of the nametag overhead as well, so I am hoping it's doable with Skript :emoji_slight_smile: Thanks for any help!