Skript Version: 2.3.7
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Full Code:
Errors on Reload:
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes,but I found nothing
%mvdw_askyblock_team_leader_name% is Rothes.
Player ran /abcd can receive “Rothes”
Rothes has permission "cd.lv2" and "cd.lv3"
but player ran this command doesn't receive "2" and "3",also "Rothes123"
How can I do this?
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Full Code:
on command "/abcd":
set {ISLAND_LEADER} to placeholder "mvdw_askyblock_team_leader_name" from player
send "%{ISLAND_LEADER}%" to player
if {ISLAND_LEADER} has permission "cd.lv2":
send "2" to player
if {ISLAND_LEADER} has permission "cd.lv3":
send "3" to player
if {ISLAND_LEADER} is the same as Rothes:
send "Rothes123" to player
can't understand this condition: '{ISLAND_LEADER} is the same as Rothes' (apg, line 9: if {ISLAND_LEADER} is the same as Rothes:')
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes,but I found nothing
%mvdw_askyblock_team_leader_name% is Rothes.
Player ran /abcd can receive “Rothes”
Rothes has permission "cd.lv2" and "cd.lv3"
but player ran this command doesn't receive "2" and "3",also "Rothes123"
How can I do this?