Solved Permission wooden door

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Apr 10, 2017

Suggested name:

Spigot/Skript Version:

What I want:
I want that you need a permission to open a Dark_Oak_door and if you don't have this permission you get a message with: &4&lYou are not a guard.

Ideas for commands:
No commands needed

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: before 17th july because i'm going on a vacation.
on right click on dark oak door:
    if player does not have permission "door.oak":
        cancel event
        send "&4&lYou are not a guard."
on right click on dark oak door:
    if player does not have permission "door.oak":
        cancel event
        send "&4&lYou are not a guard."

No errors, but non op's can still open the door. You get no message
No errors, but non op's can still open the door. You get no message
My guess is you are using an outdated version of Skript then.
Since you didn't mention which version of Skript you were using (even though the template asks for that info),
Spigot/Skript Version:
I went with the latest (2.4-Alpha4), and it works perfectly fine.
My guess is you are using an outdated version of Skript then.
Since you didn't mention which version of Skript you were using (even though the template asks for that info),

I went with the latest (2.4-Alpha4), and it works perfectly fine.
I have 2.4 alpha, if i change the subject to a chest than it works perfectly, so maybe it's about the item name or something?
I have 2.4 alpha, if i change the subject to a chest than it works perfectly, so maybe it's about the item name or something?
There are some issues with material names in 1.12.2 and below, that could probably be it.