Solved Periodic event error

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Oct 4, 2021
Hello, I was trying to merge a sidebar with a kill counter skript and it continues to give me this error. "There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event.

Attached is code.


    1.7 KB · Views: 1,497
You can use this, it's way better than what you had. What you'll need to do is download Skbee and delete skrayfall or go into the config and disable scoreboards, but I'd delete it if I were you as it doens't really have any use.
You should also really consider always using list variables as they have many advantages over nest variables (the ones you're using)
I was gonna change them for you but I didn't want to confuse you even more as I changed a lot about your code, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask


    1.5 KB · Views: 169
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You can use this, it's way better than what you had. What you'll need to do is download Skbee and delete skrayfall or go into the config and disable scoreboards, but I'd delete it if I were you as it doens't really have any use.
You should also really consider always using list variables as they have many advantages over nest variables (the ones you're using)
I was gonna change them for you but I didn't want to confuse you even more as I changed a lot about your code, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask
Looks great and much more simplified than before. My only issue is it doesn't update without relogging so i'm working on tweaking now to see what else I can do. What would you recommend?

Edit: Changed On Join event to "every 6 seconds:"
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Looks great and much more simplified than before. My only issue is it doesn't update without relogging so i'm working on tweaking now to see what else I can do. What would you recommend?

Edit: Changed On Join event to "every 6 seconds:"
The code was made so it updates every time someone joins (for the player count) and when the players get kills (for the kills), I completely forgot about the balance, but for that, you can use a periodical event (every x seconds) or, better yet, a while loop

The code was made so it updates every time someone joins (for the player count) and when the players get kills (for the kills), I completely forgot about the balance, but for that, you can use a periodical event (every x seconds) or, better yet, a while loop

So if I were to go about that, I would set the periodical or while loop to updateBoard(_balance) correct?
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