Category: action/event
Suggested name: kill or tp
What I want:
Hello , i want to make player falling if standing on a sponge block and wet sponge (forbide players standing on it) to disallow bridging with sponge on a certain region of world guard , i can't make my server public because of this :/
i already tryed this:
on enter region: ← idk how to specify a region
if block below player is sponge:
kill player
send "&6You are &4not&6 allowed to stand on a lucky block in this area!"
on steping on sponge:
if "%region at player%" contains "test":
kill player
send "&6You are &4not&6 allowed to stand on a lucky block in this area!"
Ideas for fix: loop check if block under player is sponge on the rigion and check if sponge is under , under right and under left the player on
~x ~y-0.1 ← (under block check already do it) y-0.01 and y+0.01 (see screenshot) to avoid :
Ideas for permissions: Maybe stand.sponge
When I'd like it by: not urgent
i have skript 2.6.5
Suggested name: kill or tp
What I want:
Hello , i want to make player falling if standing on a sponge block and wet sponge (forbide players standing on it) to disallow bridging with sponge on a certain region of world guard , i can't make my server public because of this :/
i already tryed this:
on enter region: ← idk how to specify a region
if block below player is sponge:
kill player
send "&6You are &4not&6 allowed to stand on a lucky block in this area!"
on steping on sponge:
if "%region at player%" contains "test":
kill player
send "&6You are &4not&6 allowed to stand on a lucky block in this area!"
Ideas for fix: loop check if block under player is sponge on the rigion and check if sponge is under , under right and under left the player on
~x ~y-0.1 ← (under block check already do it) y-0.01 and y+0.01 (see screenshot) to avoid :
Ideas for permissions: Maybe stand.sponge
When I'd like it by: not urgent
i have skript 2.6.5