Pearlthrough fence gates

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Feb 7, 2018
Category: Ender Pearl stuffs

Suggested name: 1.7.10 Pearlthrough

What I want:
I just want it so that i can pearl through fence gates on my hcf server

Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: pretty simple maybe 2 days?
on projectile hit:

  projectile is an ender pearl
  if event-block is a fence gate:
    shoot event-projectile 1 meter in front event-block
    set velocity of last shot projectile to velocity of event-projectile # Needs RandomSK or the latest version of Skript (bensku's fork)
    delete event-projectile
Something like that may work, untested.
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It worked, just had to change it so it moved you forward 1 block instead of half because it was glitching me in the gate.
Hey, I am currently trying to use this skript but it doesn't seem to be working correctly.

Skript version: Skript 2.2 Fixes V8b

Skript Error: " Use 'projectile' and/or 'shooter' in projectile hit events (, line 4: if event-blick is a fence gate:') "

Minecraft version: 1.8.8 Paper spigot ( I will switch this over to 1.7.10 paper spigot in a bit I was just testing since another plugin had an error and I thought it may be due to the version of the server. )

Additional Problem: When I pearl to an open fence gate it will make the player go upwards and not forwards through the fence gate.

- Thanks for reading
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