Skript Paginated GUI Example

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Jan 27, 2017
United States
Difficulty: Basic

This isn't so much as a tutorial but more of an example of a paginated GUI. This is to help you get an idea of how you yourself can create and format one based off of a list variable.

# Paginated GUI Example

# Made by AsuDev

# What I used:
# Skript 2.3.6+

# Tested on Paper Spigot 1.13.2

# Function that returns true or false based on if the player can open a specific page
function checkForSpecifiedPage(slot: number, guiSize: number, list: objects) :: boolean:
    set {_counter} and {_format} to 0
    loop {_list::*}:
        if {_counter}+1 is between {_slot} and {_slot}+({_guiSize}-1):
            add 1 to {_format}
        add 1 to {_counter}
    if {_format} is 0:
        return false
        return true

# Example Paginated GUI
command /pagtest [<integer=1>]:

        # Make sure to block anything below or equal to 0 as a page
        if arg 1 is less than or equal to 0:
            message "&c0 &7is not a valid page."

        # Example size of the inventory / Must be divisible by 9 and up to 54
        # In the example I am using, I cannot use 54 size because I am going to
        # dedicate 1 row for the page switchers, therefore the max size in this
        # example can only be 45
        set {_guiSize} to 9

        # List to use as an example for the GUI
        set {_c} to 0
        loop 100 times:
            add 1 of apple named "&cApple %{_c}%" to {_list::*}
            add 1 to {_c}

        # Gets the index to start at in the list variable when formatting the GUI
        set {_slot} to ((arg 1 * {_guiSize}) + 1) - {_guiSize}

        # Checks if the specified page has anything in it / Gets how many available pages there are
        if checkForSpecifiedPage({_slot}, {_guiSize}, {_list::*}) is false:
            set {_availablePages} to ceil(size of {_list::*}/{_guiSize})
            message "&7Invalid page. &7You have &c%{_availablePages}% &7available pages."

        # Open the Gui to the player / I used +1 because I want a row dedicated for the page turners
        open chest with ({_guiSize}/9) + 1 rows named "&cApples &8(&9Page %arg 1%&8)" to the player

        # Example buttons to switch to different pages / The last row in this case is dedicated to these
        set slot {_guiSize}+2 of player's current inventory to 1 of feather named "&c&l<- PREVIOUS PAGE&r"
        set slot {_guiSize}+6 of player's current inventory to 1 of feather named "&a&lNEXT PAGE ->&r"

        # Formats the gui
        set {_counter} and {_format} to 0
        loop {_list::*}:
            if {_counter}+1 is between {_slot} and {_slot}+({_guiSize}-1):
                set slot {_format} of player's current inventory to loop-value
                add 1 to {_format}
            add 1 to {_counter}

# You need some kind of identifier to know what inventory your clicking in.
# In this examples case, I will use the GUI name.
# You also need an identifier to get what page you are currently on. I also used the name for this.
on inventory click:
    name of player's current inventory contains "&cApples &8(&9Page "
    if name of clicked item is "&a&lNEXT PAGE ->&r" or "&c&l<- PREVIOUS PAGE&r":
        cancel event

        # Gets the page you are on
        set {_getCurrentPage} to name of player's current inventory
        # Removes all text other than page number from name of the GUI / This is one method
        # of getting the page they are on
        replace all "&cApples &8(&9Page " and "&8)" with "" in {_getCurrentPage}
        set {_getCurrentPage} to {_getCurrentPage} parsed as integer

        # Adds 1 or removes 1 based on if your clicking next page or previous page
        if name of clicked item is "&a&lNEXT PAGE ->&r":
            add 1 to {_getCurrentPage}
            remove 1 from {_getCurrentPage}

        # Makes sure the player doesn't open page 0
        if {_getCurrentPage} is 0:
            message "&c0 &7is not a valid page."

        # Open the new page to the player by command
        # You can also create a function if you do not want
        # to use a command for this
        make player execute command "pagtest %{_getCurrentPage}%"
If you want to download this example, here is a link:

Also a pastebin link:
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