Hi, do you know the code to set the name of a scoreboard from "on packet event play_server_scoreboard_display_objective:" in a var ?I'm trying to understand, how exactly I should write this line, what field to modify (for example string pinfo 0 of {_packet}), how is it called and what to feed into it, should it be plain text, or list varible or some kind of json.
I also kept testing what fields are sent when you create, remove team and when you add someone. This is what I got with MundoSK when I tested if there is a field at all: string pinfo 0,1,2,3,4,5 were present, int pnum 0,1,2 present, string array pinfo = none of these in packet, other types of data are also absent.
i had try some %string% with "Name, Score Name, ..." with no result. I have only the position of the scoreboard (=sidebar)
exemple : set {_n::*} to "name" pinfo 0 of event-packet
I try to fix a multi addon conflict with scoreboard. thx