Online factions members with head in gui

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Jul 19, 2019
Hello, i try to make in my gui, its show his head in the gui and with lore of offline/online and his faction rank.
The problam is i dont know how to do it, i am new on this thing and i hope there is a way to do it.

The code is:

```command /fmemberlist1010:
set {_fname} to placeholder "%%factions_faction%%" from player
set {_fallmembers} to placeholder "%%factions_allmembers%%" from player
set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 1
open chest with 5 rows named "&b%{_fname}% Members" to player
wait 2 tick
format slot 0 of player with name tag named "&6All Members" with lore "&9%{_fallmembers}%" to be unstealable```

please help me

set {_p} to player parsed as offline player
i mean, players head, when player in faction online is show head of the player and show under him if he online / offline and the rank he on the faction
set the player to a variable parsed as offline player
then check if the player (using the variable) is online:
if he is online set the slot to skull of {_Variable parsed as offline player} and set the lore or what you want aso nline, else offline

code should be like this:

set {_p} to player (or loop-player idk if it's a loop)

if {_p} is online:
format slot SLOT of player with skull of {_p} with lore "&9Online" to be unstealable```
format slot SLOT of player with skull of {_p} with lore "&9Offline" to be unstealable```

(i think in your code there's an error... i don't know but i think that the placeholder "allmembers" are a list, so you have to set {_fallmembers::*} to placeholder, not {_fallmembers} (a single value variable) )
set the player to a variable parsed as offline player
then check if the player (using the variable) is online:
if he is online set the slot to skull of {_Variable parsed as offline player} and set the lore or what you want aso nline, else offline

code should be like this:

set {_p} to player (or loop-player idk if it's a loop)

if {_p} is online:
format slot SLOT of player with skull of {_p} with lore "&9Online" to be unstealable```
format slot SLOT of player with skull of {_p} with lore "&9Offline" to be unstealable```

(i think in your code there's an error... i don't know but i think that the placeholder "allmembers" are a list, so you have to set {_fallmembers::*} to placeholder, not {_fallmembers} (a single value variable) )
no no
i neam in factions only your team..
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