I want to stop the enchanted book from fishing.
I'm use for make skript with skellett, is there anyone who can help me?
Use Skript : 2.5-beta4
Use Skellett : 1.9.9
event : https://docs.skunity.com/syntax/search/id:271
my code:
I'm use for make skript with skellett, is there anyone who can help me?
Use Skript : 2.5-beta4
Use Skellett : 1.9.9
event : https://docs.skunity.com/syntax/search/id:271
my code:
on fishing:
if Fishing Get caught item:
delete event-entity
cancel event
if player has caught item:
delete event-entity
cancel event
can't understand "if Fishing Get caught fish:"
can't understand "if player has caught item:"