Solved Obtain item name from ID

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Hi everybody!

I know how to obtain an ID from an item or item type, but how can I get the name of an item from its ID?

stone => 1 => set {_id} to ids of item
1 => stone => ?

Thank you very much! :emoji_slight_smile:

{_item} is 1
I found "set {_itemname} to ("%{_item}%" parsed as item)"
{_itemname} returns "stone"

But, if {_item} is 35, it returns "white_wool_block" and not "wool"...
For 5, I get "normal wood plank" and not "plank" :/
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That's how their referenced in your aliases. The only way to fix this is manually change aliases to whatever you want
That's because the default wool is the white one and the normal wood plank(oak) is the default too.
You can use replace to remove "_" and put spaces.
You can use replace to remove "_" and put spaces.
Yes, I know this, but still a workaround :'(
Everyday I create workarounds for skript/minecraft, please, re-writte this game in C++ with real devs ah ah x)

For the moment, I use a YML file with equivalency like this : white_wool_block: wool
And my script check the name and recovers it for use.
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