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Kristian Rahbek

New Member
Jun 12, 2018
United States
So the thing is that i made a auto sell mining script.
But the thing is that it spams whenever i mine a block (because i did so it would send you a message of the money you earned.)
But the thing is that i only want the message sometimes.
For example like whenever i mined 4 blocks it says that i earned something so your chat doens't gets over spammed! :emoji_grinning:

This is maybe a little confusion but i hope you guys understand it! :emoji_wink:
on break of stone:
if player has permission "normal":
cancel event
set event-block to air
add 1 to player's balance
send "&a+1$"
Thats my code, and instead of "send "&a+1$" i would like it to send sometimes not everytime you mine the block.
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You should put your code, its hard to help if we dont know what youre working with
So the thing is that i made a auto sell mining script.
But the thing is that it spams whenever i mine a block (because i did so it would send you a message of the money you earned.)
But the thing is that i only want the message sometimes.
For example like whenever i mined 4 blocks it says that i earned something so your chat doens't gets over spammed! :emoji_grinning:

This is maybe a little confusion but i hope you guys understand it! :emoji_wink:
on break of stone:
if player has permission "normal":
cancel event
set event-block to air
add 1 to player's balance
send "&a+1$"
Thats my code, and instead of "send "&a+1$" i would like it to send sometimes not everytime you mine the block.

This is a simple way you could do this.
You can chance the loop time to however long you want in between this message popping up.
on break of stone:
    if player has permission "normal":
        cancel event
        set event-block to air
        add 1 to balance of player
        add 1 to {mining::money::%player%}

every 10 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {mining::money::%loop-player%} is set:
            send "&a+%{mining::money::%loop-player%}%$" to loop-player
            delete {mining::money::%loop-player%}
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If you don't want to use looping here is different version
on break of stone:
    if player has permission "normal":
        cancel event
        set event-block to air
        add 1 to balance of player
        add 1 to {mining::money::%uuid of player%}
        add 1 to {notifications.%uuid of player}
        if {notifications.%uuid of player} >= 5:
            set {notifications.%uuid of player} to 0
            send "&a+&c%{mining::money::%player%}%&a$"
on quit:
    set {notifications.%uuid of player} to 0
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