Solved Not popping up in the gui!

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Jun 29, 2017
So this is suposed to pop up in a gui with item. But the item dont show and the gui is empty. I can't see the mistake and when i reload, there is no errors!

The skript:

Skript Version: 2.2 - dev23
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.8

function bandemoremedlem1(p: player):
    set {_bankkonto} to "%{bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}%" parsed as a number
    if {_bankkonto} is more than 2499:
        add 1 to {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::maxmedlemmer}
        send "{@prefix} &7Du har nu købt &a1 medlem&7 mere til din bande!" to {_p}
        remove 2500 from {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}
        send "{@prefix} &7Din bande har ikke nok penge på jeres bande konto!" to {_p}

if arg 1 is "shop":
            if {bande::%uuid of player%} is set:
                open chest with 6 rows named "&b&lBande shop" to player
                if {bander::%{bande::%uuid of player%}%::maxmedlemmer} is between 0 and 5:
                    format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&3Køb 1 medlem mere!" with lore "&bKøb adgang til at have et medlem mere,||&b i din bande||&7Pris: &f$2.500||&7&oPengene tages fra bandens konto!" to run [bandemoremedlem1(player)]
                if {bander::%{bande::%uuid of player%}%::maxmedlemmer} is between 6 and 10:
                    format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&3Køb 1 medlem mere!" with lore "&bKøb adgang til at have et medlem mere,||&b i din bande||&7Pris: &f$10.000||&7&oPengene tages fra bandens konto!" to run [bandemoremedlem2(player)]
                if {bander::%{bande::%uuid of player%}%::maxmedlemmer} is higher than 10:
                    format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&3Køb 1 medlem mere!" with lore "&bKøb adgang til at have et medlem mere,||&b i din bande||&7Pris: &f$100.000||&7&oPengene tages fra bandens konto!" to run [bandemoremedlem3(player)]
                    format slot 16 of player with diamond chestplate named "&3Køb 1%% mindre bande skade!" with lore "&bKøb 1%% mindre bande skade.||&bMindre chance for at skade en fra din bande.||&7Pris: &f$10.000||&7&oPengene tages fra bandens konto!" to run [mindrebandeskade(player)]
                message "{@prefix} &BKommer snart"
                #message "{@prefix} &cDu har ikke en bande!"
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Do /ver Skript to get the actual Skript version. Also, we don't understand what you mean. What's the problem exactly. What do you want to do and what doesn't work about it ?
Do /ver Skript to get the actual Skript version. Also, we don't understand what you mean. What's the problem exactly. What do you want to do and what doesn't work about it ?

so for this, you're trying to set up a gui shop where players can buy addition member slots for their gang? And when the gui opens it's not displaying the items you specified? I just want to make sure I understand properly. For me simply opening a gui and formatting the slots with the items you have works fine, so I would think the issue is then in your variables being checked. If you don't want to post the full code here, I would insert some test messages in between where your variables are set messaging the value of the variable to make sure they're being set correctly to what you want them to be.
No, the issue is that he's using skQuery (for starters) and that he's not waiting a tick after opening the inventory (not important anyway). No, seriously, use TuSKe or set slot (I prefer TuSKe).
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No, the issue is that he's using skQuery (for starters) and that he's not waiting a tick after opening the inventory (not important anyway). No, seriously, use TuSKe or set slot (I prefer TuSKe).
Definitely, agree on using TuSKe. though I can get the gui his way to open without a delay no trouble skquery and all. So it has to be something else is he's still having the issue I'd think. There's only 1 step in between the gui opening and the formatting and that's his If statement, so I'd imagine the problem must be there.
try "format slot 10 of player with 1 diamond sword... etc."

I had the same problem until I inserted the 1 with my GUIs.
try "format slot 10 of player with 1 diamond sword... etc."

I had the same problem until I inserted the 1 with my GUIs.
No. Do not use format slot. You have to wait a tick and it's laggy. I highly also agree to use TuSKe.
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