Not Offline Spawning

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Jun 22, 2018
if skyblock team member not online, item spawner not working,how to they do it

command /CoinSpawner <text> <player>:
    permission: coinsp.admin
    permission message: '&cGerekli Yetkin Yok.'
        if arg-1 is "give":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                give 1 yellow wool named "&bPCNW &9» &eCoin Spawner" to player
            if arg-2 is set:
                give 1 yellow wool named "&bPCNW &9» &eCoin Spawner" to arg-2
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            clear {isspanwer::*}
on place of yellow wool:
    if name of player's tool is "&bPCNW &9» &eCoin Spawner":
        set {_owner} to asb owner of island at location of player
        if {isspanwer::%{_owner}%} is not set:
            set {isspanwer::%{_owner}%} to true
            if name of player's tool is "&bPCNW &9» &eCoin Spawner":
                create holo object "&eCoin &6Spawner;ItemStack:prismarine crystals;;&6Sahibi &9» &e%player%;&6Süre &9» &e10 Saniye;&6Miktar &9» &e1" with id "%event-block's location%" at location 2.8 meters above block
                set {_location} to location of targeted block
                set {coinspawner::%{_location}%} to {_location}   
                set {_x} to x coord of event-location
                set {_y} to y coord of event-location
                set {_z} to z coord of event-location
                wait 2 tick
        if {isspanwer::%{_owner}%} is true:
            cancel event
            send "&bPCNW &9» &aHer adaya en fazla 1 adet koyulabilir."

on break of yellow wool:
    if {coinspawner::%location of targeted block%} is set:
        cancel event
        set block to air
        delete holo object "%event-block's location%"   
        remove location of targeted block from {coinspawner::*}
        clear {coinspawner::%location of targeted block%}   
        give 1 yellow wool named "&bPCNW &9» &eCoin Spawner" to player
        set {_owner} to asb owner of island at location of player
        delete {isspanwer::%{_owner}%}

every 10 second:
    loop {coinspawner::*}:
        drop 1 prismarine crystals named "&eCoin" at block 0 above loop-value
Use the is online condition

player is online

In your case, you can store the player teammate in a variable and check if it is online.

set {teammate.%player%} to {otherPlayer}
if {teammate.%player%} is online:
    message "Your teammate is online!"
how to add my skript please :emoji_slight_smile:

'-' I don't know how your skript works, but i think it should be something like this.

every 10 second:
    loop {coinspawner::*}:
        set {_owner} to asb owner of island at loop-value
        if {teammate.%{_owner}%} is online:
            if {_owner} is online:
                drop 1 prismarine crystals named "&eCoin" at block 0 above loop-value

command /teammate <player>:
        if {teammate.%arg 1%} is not set:
            if {teammate.%player%} is not set:
                set {teammate.%player%} to arg 1
                set {teammate.%arg 1%} to player
                message "Your teammate is now %arg 1%"
                message "Your teammate is now %player%" to arg 1

This is the basic, you can always add to the other player accept the teammate request..
Idont want this. I want to work in teams is one of the island online. You can't use the command /teammate