the skript works well but when i put a integer in the command, the fuction returns <none>
Posted by: lzylv from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
function getCardinal(i: integer):
if length of {_i} is between -1 and 4:
if length of {_i} is between 3 and 7:
set {c} to "k"
if length of {_i} is between 6 and 10:
set {c} to "m"
if length of {_i} is between 9 and 13:
set {c} to "b"
if length of {_i} is between 12 and 16:
set {c} to "t"
command /num <integer>:
wait 1 second
message "&c%{c}%"
Posted by: lzylv from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here