Suggested name: NoDamage
What I want:
I'm in need of a Skript that disables damage entirely. Whether that be mob damage, PVP damage, so on. I know what your thinking, /rg f __global__ invincible true. Well, here's what I need it for. In my hub, I plan on having it so players can hit eachother, but it'll never kill them. If I enable WorldGuard invincibility, it disables PVP entirely, making it so you can't hit other players. I've also tried doing WorldGuard flags such as min-heal-delay, max-heal-delay, etc, and none have given me the results I'm looking for.
So, basically a Skript that cancels the take-damage event? If that's how it works.
Ideas for commands: None
Ideas for permissions: None
When I'd like it by: ASAP
What I want:
I'm in need of a Skript that disables damage entirely. Whether that be mob damage, PVP damage, so on. I know what your thinking, /rg f __global__ invincible true. Well, here's what I need it for. In my hub, I plan on having it so players can hit eachother, but it'll never kill them. If I enable WorldGuard invincibility, it disables PVP entirely, making it so you can't hit other players. I've also tried doing WorldGuard flags such as min-heal-delay, max-heal-delay, etc, and none have given me the results I'm looking for.
So, basically a Skript that cancels the take-damage event? If that's how it works.
Ideas for commands: None
Ideas for permissions: None
When I'd like it by: ASAP