**Skript Version:** Skript 2.2 Fixes V9
**Skript Author:** Njol
**Minecraft Version:** 1.8.8
**Full Code:**
_ https://hastebin.com/arihitifaw.vbs
**Errors on Reload: **
No Errors
Other Useful Info:
I use the Crate Template from @LimeGlass Operators can use it but nobody without op can't use it
**Skript Author:** Njol
**Minecraft Version:** 1.8.8
**Full Code:**
_ https://hastebin.com/arihitifaw.vbs
**Errors on Reload: **
No Errors
Other Useful Info:
I use the Crate Template from @LimeGlass Operators can use it but nobody without op can't use it