need help!!!!

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New Member
Oct 30, 2024
im making a zombie apocalypse server and this just aint working plz help thank you!

every 1 second:
        set {_x} to a random integer between 96 and 47
        set {_y} to a random integer between 3 and 2
        set {_z} to a random integer between 150 and 199
        console command "teleport pizzamaniac100 %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%"
        console command "/particle dust{color:[0.098,0.702,0.157],scale:1} %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%  0 0 0 0.01 1000 normal"
        set {_location} to block at location {_x}, {_y}, {_z}
        set {_location} to highest solid block at {_location}
        add 0.5 to y coordinate of {_location}
        wait 1 second
        spawn zombie at {_location}

hear me out. Why do you need to use variables here exactly?

every 1 second:
        set {_x} to a random integer between 96 and 47
        set {_y} to a random integer between 3 and 2
        set {_z} to a random integer between 150 and 199
        console command "teleport pizzamaniac100 %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%"
        console command "/particle dust{color:[0.098,0.702,0.157],scale:1} %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%  0 0 0 0.01 1000 normal"
        spawn zombie at (highest solid block at {_x}, {_y}, {_z})

also PizzaManiac100 IS THAT YOU???? I REMEMBER HAVING YOU ON MY FRIENDS LIST!!!! (I was KingDoodle, you might not remember me lmao it's been so long)

But yeah, that should solve your issue. Also, why are you making it so that it teleports you every second to where the zombie would spawn?! And why are you making it so that it only teleports you?!?! (or pizzamaniac100 if you're not him)

Please add me on discord... I am begging you, bc this code is uhm... treacherous. (lunardoodl is my user)
and that code did not work but i do remember you. i am newbie to code thats why this is so quoting you btw "treacherous"