im making a zombie apocalypse server and this just aint working plz help thank you!
every 1 second:
set {_x} to a random integer between 96 and 47
set {_y} to a random integer between 3 and 2
set {_z} to a random integer between 150 and 199
console command "teleport pizzamaniac100 %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%"
console command "/particle dust{color:[0.098,0.702,0.157],scale:1} %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% 0 0 0 0.01 1000 normal"
set {_location} to block at location {_x}, {_y}, {_z}
set {_location} to highest solid block at {_location}
add 0.5 to y coordinate of {_location}
wait 1 second
spawn zombie at {_location}