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New Member
Sep 11, 2024
I have this skript but i keep getting these errors.

every 60 seconds in "world":
add 1 to {minute::%player%}

if {minute::%player%} = 60:
add 1 to {hour::%player%}
set {minute::%player%} to 0

if {hour::%player%} = 24:
add 1 to {days::%player%}
set {hour::%player%} to 0

on death:
if victim is player:
add 1 to {deaths::%player%}
if attacker is player:
add 1 to {kills::%player%}

command /stats:
aliases: stat, statistics, statistic
send "&fKills: &4%{kills::%player%}%" to player
send "&fDeaths: &6%{deaths::%player%}%" to player
send "&fPlaytime: &e%{days::%player%}%d %{hour::%player%}%h" to player

also this is the errors i get
I have this skript but i keep getting these errors.

every 60 seconds in "world":
add 1 to {minute::%player%}

if {minute::%player%} = 60:
add 1 to {hour::%player%}
set {minute::%player%} to 0

if {hour::%player%} = 24:
add 1 to {days::%player%}
set {hour::%player%} to 0

on death:
if victim is player:
add 1 to {deaths::%player%}
if attacker is player:
add 1 to {kills::%player%}

command /stats:
aliases: stat, statistics, statistic
send "&fKills: &4%{kills::%player%}%" to player
send "&fDeaths: &6%{deaths::%player%}%" to player
send "&fPlaytime: &e%{days::%player%}%d %{hour::%player%}%h" to player

also this is the errors i get
View attachment 8792
When using on death events in Skript, the only valid types of entities you can call is either victim or attacker, not player. Also, in the error for line two, since no players are mentioned/used, you cannot use 'player' there. To fix that: Simply loop all players and refer to loop-player. And finally, you have floating if events. They aren't attached to anything so they logically cannot run until you attach them to an event.
every 60 seconds in "world":
  Loop all players:
    add 1 to {minute::%loop-player%}
    if {minute::%loop-player%} = 60:
      add 1 to {hour::%loop-player%}
      set {minute::%loop-player%} to 0
    if {hour::%loop-player%} = 24:
      add 1 to {days::%loop-player%}
      set {hour::%loop-player%} to 0

on death:
  if victim is player:
    add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
    if attacker is player:
      add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}

command /stats:
  aliases: stat, statistics, statistic
    send "&fKills: &4%{kills::%player%}%" to player
    send "&fDeaths: &6%{deaths::%player%}%" to player
    send "&fPlaytime: &e%{days::%player%}%d %{hour::%player%}%h" to player