I have this skript but i keep getting these errors.
every 60 seconds in "world":
add 1 to {minute::%player%}
if {minute::%player%} = 60:
add 1 to {hour::%player%}
set {minute::%player%} to 0
if {hour::%player%} = 24:
add 1 to {days::%player%}
set {hour::%player%} to 0
on death:
if victim is player:
add 1 to {deaths::%player%}
if attacker is player:
add 1 to {kills::%player%}
command /stats:
aliases: stat, statistics, statistic
send "&fKills: &4%{kills::%player%}%" to player
send "&fDeaths: &6%{deaths::%player%}%" to player
send "&fPlaytime: &e%{days::%player%}%d %{hour::%player%}%h" to player
also this is the errors i get
every 60 seconds in "world":
add 1 to {minute::%player%}
if {minute::%player%} = 60:
add 1 to {hour::%player%}
set {minute::%player%} to 0
if {hour::%player%} = 24:
add 1 to {days::%player%}
set {hour::%player%} to 0
on death:
if victim is player:
add 1 to {deaths::%player%}
if attacker is player:
add 1 to {kills::%player%}
command /stats:
aliases: stat, statistics, statistic
send "&fKills: &4%{kills::%player%}%" to player
send "&fDeaths: &6%{deaths::%player%}%" to player
send "&fPlaytime: &e%{days::%player%}%d %{hour::%player%}%h" to player
also this is the errors i get