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Jul 29, 2021
command /opengui:
open chest with 5 rows named "&8Buy Cosmetics" to player
format slot 19 of player with Bone named "&2&lPets" to close then run [execute console command "/petsmenu"]
format slot 21 of player with Nether Star named "&b&lPartical Effects" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with Golden Helmet named "&b&lHats" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with Pumpkin named "&6&lEmotes" to be unstealable

command /petsmenu:
open chest with 5 rows named "&8Pets Menu" to player
format slot 0 of player with Blaze Powder named "&b&lFire" to be unstealable

it should open another chest gui but it doesnt

You write execute console command "/petsmenu" but you need the menu open FOR YOU so write execute player command "/petsmenu"