Cant figure out how to make it so they cant buy it if they dont have enough $
command /petshop:
open chest with 3 row named "Pet Shop" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 0 of player with light gray glass named "ignore" with lore "ignore" to close then run "ingore test"
format slot 10 of player with sheep spawn egg named "&a&lCommon Pet Egg" with lore "&7Price: &a10,000" to close then run [make console execute command "/ep giveegg %player% COMMON"]->[make console execute command "/eco take %player% 10000"]
using vault and skquery
command /petshop:
open chest with 3 row named "Pet Shop" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 0 of player with light gray glass named "ignore" with lore "ignore" to close then run "ingore test"
format slot 10 of player with sheep spawn egg named "&a&lCommon Pet Egg" with lore "&7Price: &a10,000" to close then run [make console execute command "/ep giveegg %player% COMMON"]->[make console execute command "/eco take %player% 10000"]
using vault and skquery