Addons im using: SkBee
Version: dont know exact version, using mc 1.21.1
The issue: Im trying to add NBT to an item (hiding enchants to be exact) but it gives an error saying skript doesnt understand the nbt compound
ive tried adding this:
Version: dont know exact version, using mc 1.21.1
The issue: Im trying to add NBT to an item (hiding enchants to be exact) but it gives an error saying skript doesnt understand the nbt compound
replace all raw iron block named "&fCompressed Raw Iron" in (metadata tag "autofurnace4" of player) with iron block of mending 1 named "&fCompressed Smelted Iron" with lore "&7My paws can't handle this weight."
ive tried adding this:
replace all raw iron block named "&fCompressed Raw Iron" in (metadata tag "autofurnace4" of player) with iron block of mending 1 named "&fCompressed Smelted Iron" with lore "&7My paws can't handle this weight." with nbt "{HideFlags:61}"