on right click with stick:
if {man::%player%} is above 6:
if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape":
chance of 95%:
apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds
apply invisibility 1 to player for 8 seconds
apply regeneration 2 to player for 8 seconds
send "&aYou got giving the ability to escape"
remove 6 from {man::%player%}
apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
send "&cYou did not have the mana to do this and the spell backfired"
apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
on right click with stick:
if {man::%player%} is above 6:
if name of tool of player is "&a&lWand Of Attack":
chance of 95%:
apply strength 2 to player for 8 seconds
apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
apply resistance 2 to player for 8 seconds
send "&aYou got giving the ability to attack"
remove 6 from {man::%player%}
apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
send "&cYour spell backfired"
send "&cYou did not have the mana to do this and the spell backfired"
apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
on right click with stick:
if name of tool of player is "&d&lWand Of Regen":
if {man::%player%} is above 6:
apply regeneration 3 to player for 5 seconds
remove 6 from {man::%player%}
send "&cYou did not have the mana to do this and the spell backfired"
apply poison 4 to player for 5 seconds
on join:
while player is online:
if {man::%player%} is 20:
wait 2 seconds
add 1 to {man::%player%}
wait 2 seconds
on right click with milk:
send "&cThe spell for this is disabled right now"
command /wands:
permission: skript.wands
permission message: "&cYou cant do this"
give player 1 stick named "&d&lWand Of Regen"
give player 1 stick named "&a&lWand Of Attack"
give player 1 stick named "&c&lWand Of Escape"
on death:
chance of 4%
drop nether star named "&1&lWand fragment"
on join:
while player is online:
set line 7 of player's scoreboard to "&m&7--------------------"
set line 6 of player's scoreboard to "&cW&6e&el&ac&bo&dm&ce &6t&eo &aM&bi&dn&ci&6d&eu&ap&be"
set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&9Members online: &a%{online}%"
set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&9Total members: &a%{totaljoins}%"
set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&bMana: %{man::%player%}%/20✎"
set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&"
set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&m&7--------------------"
wait 1 second
on join:
add 1 to {online}
on quit:
subtract 1 from {online}
wait 1 second
JoinResetPerm: mini.admin
JoinResetPermm: You cant do this!
on join:
if {joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
add player's uuid to {joins::*}
broadcast "&b%player%&r joined for the first time. &8[&b##%size of {joins::*}%&8]"
add 1 to {totaljoins}
command /resetJoins:
permission: {@JoinResetPerm}
permission message: {@JoinResetPermm}
delete {joins::*}
send "&cDeleted all unique joins."
on load:
set {online} to 0
when its right-clicked by any spell it says you don't have the mana for this even when i have the mana and gives all 3 spells disability at once and how do you clear all effects with skript