I have this code:
command /setheadecocrate:
permission: "headeco.admin"
loop blocks in radius 3 around block at player:
loop-block is a bedrock:
send "&fConverting block..."
set loop-block to end portal frame
set loop-block to {ender.portal.frame}
make player execute command "hd create headeco &fClick to open {@HeadEcoPref}"
send "&f&lSuccess!"
play note pling at player with pitch 1
on click:
if event-block is end portal frame:
if event-block is {ender.portal.frame}:
if {headeco.%player%} is more than 9:
if {headecoopening.%player%} is 1:
but I dont want to use all end portals in the world just that one created in the command!
Anyone knows how?
command /setheadecocrate:
permission: "headeco.admin"
loop blocks in radius 3 around block at player:
loop-block is a bedrock:
send "&fConverting block..."
set loop-block to end portal frame
set loop-block to {ender.portal.frame}
make player execute command "hd create headeco &fClick to open {@HeadEcoPref}"
send "&f&lSuccess!"
play note pling at player with pitch 1
on click:
if event-block is end portal frame:
if event-block is {ender.portal.frame}:
if {headeco.%player%} is more than 9:
if {headecoopening.%player%} is 1:
but I dont want to use all end portals in the world just that one created in the command!
Anyone knows how?