Solved Need help with adding eye to end portal frame

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Jul 26, 2022
Hey, I trying to make a skript that when you right click with a item on a end portal frame its putting the eye inside of it... here is my code:
if event-block is ender portal frame:
        if name of event-player's tool is "&5Summoning Eye":
            set block at location of event-block to end portal frame [eye=true]

The error:

if I need an addon for this tell me too please :emoji_slight_smile:
What about this?
on click:
    if event-block is end portal frame:
        if name of event-player's tool is "&5Summoning Eye":
            set block at location of event-block to end portal frame [eye=true]
If this is not working, please send the output of /skript info here.
Not working its the same as my code....

wdym by /skript info?
there is no command...

The Problem is in line 23
all code:
on rightclick:
    if event-block is ender portal frame:
        set {_times} to 1
        set {_contains} to 0
        loop 8 times:
            if {frame::loc::%{_times}%} is location of event-block:
                set {_contains} to 1
            set {_times} to {_times} + 1
        if {_contains} is 1:
            if name of event-player's tool is "&5Summoning Eye":
                if {placed::amount} is not set:
                    set {placed::amount} to 0
                if {placed::amount} < 8:
                    set {_times} to 1
                    set {_contains} to 0
                    loop 8 times:
                        if {placed::loc::%{_times}%} is location of event-block:
                            set {_contains} to 1
                        set {_times} to {_times} + 1
                    if {_contains} is 1:
                        send "&cThere is already eye placed here" to event-player
                        #set block at location of event-block to end portal frame [eye=true]
                        set {placed::amount} to {placed::amount} + 1
                        set {placed::loc::%{placed::amount}%} to location of event-block
                        set {placed::%event-player%::%{placed::amount}%} to location of event-block
                        set {placed::%event-player%::amount} to {placed::%event-player%::amount} + 1
                        send "%event-player% &5Placed Summoning Eye &8(&e%{placed::amount}%&b/&e8&8)" to all players in world "EndermanPlace"
                        remove head named "&5Summoning Eye" from event-player's inventory
                    send "&cAready spawned dragon!" to event-player
                cancel event
            if {frame::setting} > 0:
                set {frame::loc::%{frame::setting}%} to location of event-block
                send "&aFrame location [%{frame::setting}%] set to %{frame::loc::%{frame::setting}%}% (%event-block%)!" to event-player
                set {frame::setting} to 0
Skript Info should output the Server, Skript and Addon versions, if this is not available to you, please provide them by hand.
ok so I have skript, mundoSK, SharpSK, SKaction, skbee, skdragon, skellet, skquery, skrayfall, skript gui, skunity, tuske, wildskript
ok so I have skript, mundoSK, SharpSK, SKaction, skbee, skdragon, skellet, skquery, skrayfall, skript gui, skunity, tuske, wildskript
What's the Skript Version? Is this Paper, Spigot? What's the Server Version?
Spigot 1.8.8
set event-block's data to 4
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