Hi im learning skript and i need help to update player to player's uuid i can't seem to figure out how so im asking for help. In the skript everything is ok, i can see my stats if i replace &player& to &player's uuid% but when it comes to see other players stats it doesn't work i tried everyting i could think of but nothing works. same for the command /resetsimplestats... The question here is: What should i replace the %{_player}% value with?
# #
#SimpleStats #
#Created by halks514 v2.4 #
# #
on break:
if tool is a pickaxe:
add 1 to {pickaxe.break.%player's uuid%}
add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}
Else if tool is a shovel:
add 1 to {shovel.break.%player's uuid%}
add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}
else if tool is a axe:
add 1 to {axe.break.%player's uuid%}
add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}
else if tool is nothing:
add 1 to {nothing.break.%player's uuid%}
add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}
add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}
command /simplestats [<offline player>]:
permission: ss.see
permission message: &7[&bSimpleStats&7] &cYou don`t have permission for this command.
aliases: ss
if arg-1 is "help":
player have permission "ss.help":
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &b&lSimple Stats Help &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
message "&a/ss or /simplestats "
message "&b/simplestats help &7- &7to see this page "
message "&b/simplestats &7- &7to see your stats "
message "&b/simplestats &a(player) &7- &7to see a player's stats "
message "&b/resetsimplestats &a(player) &7- &7to reset a player's stats "
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &b&lSimple Stats Help &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
if arg-1 is not set:
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &b&lSimple Stats &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
message "&6Pickaxe: &7- &b%{pickaxe.break.%player's uuid%}% "
message "&6Shovel: &7- &b%{shovel.break.%player's uuid%}%"
message "&6Axe: &7- &b%{axe.break.%player's uuid%}%"
message "&6Hand: &7- &b%{nothing.break.%player's uuid%}%"
message "&aTotal Blocks Broken &2- &d%{blocks.broken.%player's uuid%}%"
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &b&lSimple Stats &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
if player have permission "ss.see.others":
set {_player} to arg-1
wait 1 tick
if {_player} has played on this server before:
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &a&l%{_player}%'s &b&lSimple Stats &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
message "&6Pickaxe: &7- &b%{pickaxe.break.%{_player}%}% "
message "&6Shovel: &7- &b%{shovel.break.%{_player}%}%"
message "&6Axe: &7- &b%{axe.break.%{_player}%}%"
message "&6Hand: &7- &b%{nothing.break.%{_player}%}%"
message "&aTotal Blocks Broken &2- &d%{blocks.broken.%{_player}%}%"
message "&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---&8&m[&r &a&l%{_player}%'s &b&lSimple Stats &8&m]&7&m---&b&m---&7&m---"
message "&7[&bSimpleStats&7] &cYou don`t have permission for this command."
command /resetsimplestats [<offline player>]:
permission: ss.reset
permission message: &7[&bSimpleStats&7] &cYou don`t have permission for this command.
aliases: rss
if arg-1 is not set:
message "&7Usage&e:&b /resetsimplestats &7(&aPlayer&7)"
set {_player} to arg-1
wait 1 tick
if {_player} has played on this server before:
set {pickaxe.break.%{_player}%} to 0
set {nothing.break.%{_player}%} to 0
set {shovel.break.%{_player}%} to 0
set {axe.break.%{_player}%} to 0
set {blocks.broken.%{_player}%} to 0
message "&7[&bSimpleStats&7] &bStats of &a%{_player}%&b has been reset!"
message "&7[&bSimpleStats&7] &cPlayer &a%{_player}% &cnot found!"
on join:
if {pickaxe.break.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {pickaxe.break.%player's uuid%} to 0
if {nothing.break.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {nothing.break.%player's uuid%} to 0
if {shovel.break.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {shovel.break.%player's uuid%} to 0
if {axe.break.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {axe.break.%player's uuid%} to 0
if {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {blocks.broken.%player's uuid%} to 0