Hi there,
I am new at Skript and skQuery. I want to learn it and trying to write some skripts.
I need your help at that skript:
it will open a chest if player writes a player name next to the command else it will open another chest but it is not working.
[doublepost=1607605565,1607602713][/doublepost]I solved the problem.
I am new at Skript and skQuery. I want to learn it and trying to write some skripts.
I need your help at that skript:
command /ada <player>:
description: Ada ile ilgili komutları gösterir.
if arg-1 is set:
wait 0.2 seconds
open chest with 1 row named "&1Ada ceza menü" to the player
format slot 0 of player with barrier named "Ada ban" to close then run [make player execute "island ban"]
format slot 1 of player with barrier named "Ada kick" to close then run [make player execute "island kick"]
format slot 2 of player with barrier named "Ada expel" to close then run [make player execute "island expel"]
wait 0.2 seconds
open chest with 6 row named "&1Ada menü" to the player
format slot 4 of player with bedrock named "bilgi" to close then run [make player execute "island reset"]
format slot 12 of player with grass named "Ada oluştur/sıfırla" to close then run [make player execute "island reset"]
format slot 14 of player with bed named "Adana git" to close then run [make player execute "island go"]
format slot 20 of player with experience bottle named "Ada seviyesi" to close then run [make player execute "island level"]
format slot 22 of player with command block named "Ada ayarları" to close then run [make player execute "island settings"]
format slot 24 of player with arrow named "Ada hedefleri" to close then run [make player execute "challenges"]
command /is:
description: Ada ile ilgili komutları gösterir.
make player execute "ada"
it will open a chest if player writes a player name next to the command else it will open another chest but it is not working.
[doublepost=1607605565,1607602713][/doublepost]I solved the problem.
command /ada [<player>]